1. All the fees as shown in the schedule of fees structure shall be paid only to the clerk-in-charge at the office during the hours notified.
2. The Tuition fees are collected in monthly instalments and are to be paid before 20th day of the month or the next working day, if 20th happens to be a holiday.
3. However, non-payment of Tuition fees for more than three months shall be liable for the name of the student to be removed from the rolls. The student so removed may be re-admitted on payment of arrears and re-admission fee equal to one month's Tuition fee.
4. When the school reopens after the vacation, fees shall be paid within ten days after the date of reopening or before the 20th of the month whichever is later.
5. Fees for the months of March, April and May are to be paid on or before 20th March. Pupils of Standard X will have to pay the fees for January to May in one instalment along with their S.S.C Examinationfees before third of January or such day as may be notified by the school authorities.
6. Parents / Guardians are requested to send exact amount due and also instruct their children to pay the fees immediately on coming to the school. Fee receipt should be produced to the Class Teacher for necessary entries. Fee receipt must be produced by parent in case of availing of reimbursement of fees.