Admissions & Withdrawals
1. No student can be admitted to the school without a valid Leaving Certificate from the last school attended. Any unsatisfactory remark in the Leaving Certificate may invalidate the admission of the pupil. In the case of student who comes from outside Maharashtra, the Leaving Certificate must be countersigned by E.O. of that place.
2. A Calender month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawl of a student. Format of the notice is attached at the end of this handbook.
3. No Leaving Certificate will be granted unless all school dues are paid.
4. No Certificate of any kind will be given without written application from the parent or guardian, atleast 3 days earlier to the date on which the certificate is required.
5. Leaving Certificate will not be issued in the middle of the term, except under extraordinary circumstances.
6. Leaving Certificate will be issued free on application made within 3 years after student leaving the school but after 3 years fee of Rs. 10/- shall be charged.
7. A duplicate copy of the Leaving Certificate / Bonafide Certificate will be issued on payment of Rs. 10/-